mercredi 30 avril 2014, par .
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Arsène, the university-based performing arts festival organised by the Université d’Artois, has once again developed a partnership with Culture Commune and the ZEPA2 network.
At the end of the 9 days of festival, from 3rd to 11th April 2014, the final event took place at Culture Commune’s venue (la Base 11/19 in Loos-en-Gohelle), and amongst other shows, the spectactors discovered how to make "The most dangerous cup of tea in the world" , the new show by emerging UK company Tit For Tat.
A vibrant, fresh and eccentric show, with high circus skills !
The show was presented as part of the partnership between the University of Winchester and Winchester Hat Fair, who hosted and supported this company in their last "Emerge" programme(Sept 2013), a professional development programme supporting young and emerging UK and French companies.
Also presented in the Arsène programme, the premiere of "Bouchée à la Reine", the show created by seven strudents from the Université d’Artois directed by Wet Picnic Artistic Director Matt Feerick.
For more information on the full programme of the Arsène festival, click on the picture below.