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Three UK artists join Compagnie On Off for Z’Arts Up !

mercredi 7 mai 2014, par Mathilde Vautier.

Toutes les versions de cet article : [English] [français]

Stéphanie Petit, chanteuse de la compagnie On OffFor Before de Z’arts Up !, Anglo-French key event organised by Culture Commune in Béthune, French Compagnie On Off goes in tune with the the British touch of the event by involving three UK singers in their show "Sing Me a Song" (SMS) - in which the artists are "songs delivery men and women" !

Laura Picket, Jennifer Bell and Heidi Heidelberg, respectively folk/country singer-musician, director-a capella singer and classical/jazz composer-singer, will be in Béthune from Tuesday 13th May to rehearse their part...and from Friday 16th at 4pm, to jump on their motorbike and deliver their songs ! - in French ? In English ? In ’Frenglish’ ?

Find out more about the Before de Z’Arts Up ! programme here and for the full Z’arts Up ! festival programme, click here

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