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Seminar at the Université d’Artois : Figuration and representation of the body in outdoor performances in the public space

lundi 12 mai 2014, par Mathilde Vautier.

Toutes les versions de cet article : [English] [français]

Next in the ZEPA 2 seminars season is the seminar held at the Université d’Artois on Thursday 15th May 2014 on ’Figuration and representation of the body in outdoor performances in the public space’

The event is organised by the Praxis and Aesthetics of the Arts internal team (Texts and Cultures Research Unit EA 4028 at the Université d’Artois) and Culture
Commune - Scène Nationale du Bassin Minier du Pas-de-Calais.

Read more on the presentation of the seminar, and the full programme of the day involving international researchers and artists.

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