Accueil > Présentation > Rencontre professionnelle, 9-10 décembre 2014

"England-France : culture in question" - PROGRAMME

mardi 4 novembre 2014, par Mathilde Vautier.

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"England-France : culture in question"
Tuesday 9th and Wednesday 10th December 2014
at La Fabrique de Culture Commune Scène Nationale du Bassin Minier du Pas-de-Calais, France

Two days of discussions, exchanges and debates with artistic interventions

2014 is coming to an end, and so is ZEPA 2, the Anglo-French network supporting the development of outdoor arts in Southern England and Northern France.

The ZEPA 2 partners invite cultural and arts professionals, researchers and academics, artists and representatives from European and national organisations to a conference aiming at :

  • Sharing the achievements of more than two years of cross-border artistic and cultural projects
  • Developing tomorrow’s cultural Europe together

Amongst the various key speakers of this conference, French researcher Thomas Perrin, lecturer at Université de Lille 1, will speak about the challenges and perspectives of cross-border cultural actions, while sociologist HeeKyung Lee and cultural geographer Nuala Morse will share their analysis after following the ZEPA 2 actions for the last two years.

Break-out group sessions will be an opportunity to debate and discuss the key topics of 2014-2020 cutural Europe. And the conference will be punctuated by some artistic surprises.

Click here for the full programme and practical information of the "England-France : culture in question" conference
To register, please fill in the online registration form

This conference is organised by ZEPA 2 partner Culture Commune Scène nationale du Bassin Minier du Pas-de-Calais and will be held at Culture Commune’s venue, La Fabrique Théâtrale, in Loos-en-Gohelle (France).

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